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Anterior cruciate ligament torn with field hockey

Did you also tear your anterior cruciate ligament playing field hockey and want to know more about rehabilitation? 

Kyra is an avid field hockey player and talks about her anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation in several blogs.

My story:

My name is Kyra and I am nineteen years old. At the age of seventeen I tore my anterior cruciate ligament during a training session with field hockey. After an intensive but successful rehabilitation, I returned fully fit and was back on the field four times a week.

Unfortunately, not much later it went wrong again, only this time it was my left knee. By writing down all the small victories, as well as setbacks, I hope to be able to look back on something beautiful later. For others, with this blog I hope to be able to give a look at rehabilitation from the patient perspective.

Message: see it as an opportunity to work on yourself. It won't always be fun, but you will only come out stronger.
