Welcome to The KneeClub

A professional Knee Network and informative platform for healthcare professionals

Become a member

The KneeClub is a multidisciplinary network of healthcare professionals focusing on the knee.

For who:
Physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, sports physicians, dieticians, podiatrists, S&C trainers, exercise scientists.

A knee network of healthcare professionals to share knowledge and expertise with each other in an approachable way and improve findability in the vast healthcare landscape. The starting point is the right knee care in the right place.

If you would like to join The KneeClub please read the terms and conditions for register.

Jacco Zijl
Michael Caarels
Kniespecialist Yara van Gendt


Why The KneeClub

  1. A club of "up to date" specialists in the field of the knee.
  2. Overview and findability increased for healthcare professionals.
  3. Easily share knowledge and expertise with each other.
  4. Short lines between specialists.
  5. Active contribution of healthcare professionals
  6. Once a year a masterclass (NL)

Signing up at The KneeClub


The KneeClub is active on social media and regularly creates content for its YouTube channel. From surgery videos, knee exercises and educational videos. Subscribe to the YouTube channel and stay up to date with the latest content. We appreciate your support!

Link: YouTube


The KneeClub is active on Instagram and actively building community. Subscribe to our channel, join conversations and get access to exclusive member content. If you're looking for knee exercise inspiration, you'll find a wide range of options with us.

Link: Instagram

Instagram knie oefeningen

Informatie over de knie

Are you looking for information about the knee? Here you will find podcast recorded with knee specialists from the field. Interesting blogs and background information of the most common knee injuries.

