Knee rehabilitation and protein, are you eating enough protein a day?

A common question in knee rehabilitation is: what should I eat and how much should I eat? Adequate protein intake per day is important for your recovery and strength gains. In this blog you will read how many grams of protein you should eat per day.


Knee rehabilitation consists primarily of targeted strength training to make muscles stronger. By stimulating and exhausting the muscles, adaptation takes place. The muscles become stronger and muscle mass increases. Training without adjusting nutrition will cause muscles to not adapt or to adapt minimally. Strength remains the same or even decreases. Quick fatigue during training or insufficient recovery from a workout are warnings that the body is short of certain nutrients. Well-tuned nutrition is the foundation for getting everything out of your knee validtion.

One of the important nutrients is protein. Protein is the building material for all body cells and thus also muscles. Everyone needs a certain amount of grams of protein daily. How many grams that is will vary from individual to individual and is determined in part by body composition, activities and sports.

Noten eiwitten

Nuts are a good source of protein

How many grams of protein do I need per day?

Knee rehabilitation and protein are inextricably linked. Building and building muscle is a continuous process, which is why it is important to get enough protein daily.

As mentioned, protein needs vary from person to person and depend on weight, activity and goal. The minimum daily requirement is 0.8 - 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. If you want to build more muscle mass, the requirement is increased to an average of 1.2 - 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. In some cases, the requirement may even be as high as 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

During knee rehabilitation, the need for protein is high and it is important to get enough building blocks. This can be done by choosing a good source of protein at every meal. Examples include legumes, vegetarian meat substitute based on legumes, meat, fish, eggs, high-protein spreads, extra dairy products, nuts and/or seeds. In addition to adequate protein intake, the timing and distribution of protein is also an important item. After exercise and before sleep are good times to eat protein-rich foods.

Knierevalidatie en eiwitten

Eating a variety of foods and enough protein each day is important

Proteins and supplements

Before using protein shakes, powders or other supplementation, it is always important to have a good basic nutrition. So it depends on your personal situation, needs and nutritional intake whether it is necessary to use additional protein products.

Want to make sure you're getting enough protein or properly adjust your protein intake around your training schedule? Then contact a dietician. Together we can look at a personal plan with a good layout of daily activities, sports activities and sufficient intake of protein at these times.

Auteur: Gamze Unver (profiel)
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Leon Meijer podcast voeding

Nutrition and knee rehabilitation podcast

Are you rehabbing and want to learn more about the role nutrition plays click here.
